
With Linda LaFlamme (of it's a beautiful day)

Hey! Thanks for visiting the website first off, secondly thanks for caring enough to click the about me. I hope you like the site, it's really just a work in progress, and is built on when I have free time or am bored, or just feel like it! Some of you might be wondering, why make a site like this? Well I love the 60's and 70's, I love the music, people, clothes, lifestyle ETC! It completely fascinates me! I really don't know what more to say at the moment I guess... Im just a music freak :-D. Like most of you reading this probably are... So I might add more as i get more questions asked (FAQ maybe?)Who knows?

Feel free to contact me, through my email , if you dont have the right software to do a click email like that (ive discovered a lot of people dont) than my email is deadheadfolife@hotmail.com Feel free to submit whatever you would like there, photos, updates, errors on the site, opinions, questions etc etc! I look forward to hearing from you!

Any stuff you want to donate to the site is greatly appreciated and welcomed! Photos, Information, etc on people, places things. Even if you want to share your personal experiences, all is great!